Black Hills Laboratories
Does your search box find what your customers are looking for? (Search Relevancy)
Does your search box work in languages other than English? (International Search)
Does your company have good international expansion strategy of your web site and/or software products ? (Internationalization)
Do you have a stream-lined localization process ? Do you need a custom Okapi filter to extract localizable text from a special file format ? (Localization Automation)
We also offer high quality English-to-Japanese translation service, specialized for technical documents.
By the way, we are located in Orinda, California, not in South Dakota, in case you wonder.
Our Services
We can help in these areas:
Text Search : we will design, evaluate, improve, and/or implement Solr search engine for your site. (Click here for more detail.)
Internationalization : we will audit and recommend internationalization strategy, and/or implement for you (detail)
Localization Technology : we will develop custom filters and other components needed to automate part of the localization workflow (detail)
Japanese Translation: we will translate technical materials from English to Japanese. We will develop translation glossary for your company. (detail)

Our Clients and Projects
Here are some of our clients and services rendered:
Red Hat (Asia Pacific) : Tuning & bug fixing of Pensieve translation memory and other components of Okapi Framework, to be used in the client's localization workflow.
Meliorist Technology : Improvement of Solr search relevancy. Investigation and fix of instability of their Solr instances. — "Kuro is a true expert in Apache Solr. He did great work on our project, worked quickly and efficiently, provided valuable insights and expertise, and was generally a pleasure to work with." (Stephan Fopeano, Owner)
A company that runs a Solr on Windows server for intranet search : Investigation and fix of instability of their Solr instance.